Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Honey Pot 13×20

My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last week so the weekly painting has come to a stand still for the moment.  This is a still-life painting I did a little less than a year ago.  I spent a long time on it and I do not think I have done a nicer painting since.

Thanks for viewing.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tea Pot with Orange and Blue 6×8

After a few frustrating outdoor painting sessions I decided to set up a still-life to work from.  I think I may have gotten a little carried away with the orange but I'm happy with the composition and the rendering of the objects.

Thanks for viewing

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Evening Graze 8×12

I painted this the other evening.  What drew me to the scene was the illuminated farm hidden behind the trees (structures, old trucks, etc).  Once the painting was underway, however, I realized that my scene selection was perhaps a bit too subtle to capture with my present painting ability.  As well, there is a lack of contrast in size of shapes.  Maybe the next scene will be more conducive to creating the elusive masterpiece?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Season's End 9×12

I painted this the other morning.  I ended up wiping away a lot of the foreground, simplifying the picture.  Sometimes I feel that this is cheating, that painting should be only an additive process.  Oh well, do what you gotta do to get the desired results.

Thanks for viewing.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Morning Glory 11×14

I painted this a few weeks ago.  I am posting it because I like it and I enjoyed painting it.  There was minimal fussing, things just seemed to fall into place.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quiet Evening 8×10

I painted this last night.  I had high expectations as I've been thinking about painting at this particular location for a while.  It was a fairly enjoyable painting experience except for the sprinklers that came on and the one broken sprinkler that flooded the area and left me standing in a few inches of water.  I feel the result is o.k.  Looking at it now the shadow areas seems a bit too light in value, and the sky seems a bit one dimensional.